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    I remember my father was a workaholic and at the same time he enjoyed all sports and loved to do the photo shots. He loved small drink and enjoyed good food. Sushi was one of his favors. He taught us how to set up table, how to wash our own clothes when I was in fourth grade. He did not talk to us a lot when we were small, and spent most of his time on the work, researches and had conversations with his friends in our apartment. We had four rooms. ( it was consider huge apartment at that time.)


    We did not known his real background until after 1980. I was not so shocked. He was a real communist and he really believed.There are many small things about my father, we can talk all day long .I member very clear on 2 little things about my father.


    During the Culture Revelation at 1969, I used my older brother’s monthly tickets to city to sell my father’s book to exchange the cash, because we only have limited income to support family of 6. Somehow, my father found out, he asked me to wrote a “Self criticize report” walked 5 kilometers one way to deliver RMB0.50 with the self criticize report to the bus office. He said to me “ I am not punishing you, I am teaching you not take advantage on something not belongs to you, you have to be honest.”


    I was working in a cement factory in Henan when I was in my early 20’s. We only communicated in letters. Most of time my mother replied the letters to us. One day to my surprise, I received a letter from my father, He kindly asked me every about me and in the end. He wrote “ Please do not use factory letter head paper for personal use.”


    To us, he was not a hero, he was a father to us. He set up an example to us. We had good time and bad time together for many years, it all become sweet memories.

    在我们看来,他并不是一个英雄, 他只是我们的父亲,是我们的榜样。父亲与我们一起度过了许多年,有快乐幸福的日子,也有痛苦难过的日子,然而这些,都已经变成我最美好的回忆。

    打印 | 标签:刘公诚,缅怀


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